Become a volunteer
Voluntary work in the TAS Foundation
From their responsible action, volunteers develop different activities according to their attitudes, aptitudes and interest, and provide their dedication, commitment and effort, with the goal of improving life standards of people with disabilities.
Around 2000 people have participated in projects and programmes of the Foundation. You can also be part of this team.
What do we offer
Ongoing conferences and courses related to the field of discapacity, and voluntary work, certified by Instituto Andaluz de la Juventud (Andalusian Youth Institute), Servicio Andaluz de Empleo (Andalusian Employment Centre), Provincial Council, or City Councils.
The technical team advises you in different areas: psychology, pedagogy, physiotherapy, speech therapy… so you can decide where, and how to collaborate.
In addition, as a volunteer of the TAS Foundation, you will enjoy the following benefits:
• Volunteer’s insurance
• Volunteer’s ID Card
• Certificate of Volunteering
• Participation in activities, courses, meetings, and sessions.

Awareness and training activities for volunteers are designed in order to raise understanding in the community and encourage the participation of volunteers. Volunteers develop activities according to their attitudes, aptitudes and interests, and with their dedication and commitment they successfully improve the living standards of people with disabilities.

Awareness-raising programme and volunteers training
We develop activities in educational centers of different andalusian villages in order to increase sensibility.

Train with us
The TAS Foundation establishes collaboration agreements with Intermediate and Higher level Training Centres, Universities, EPES Internships (Professional Experiences for Employment Programmes), Employment Workshops… in order to develop internships in the TAS Centres, Day-Care Unit, Occupational Centre, and/or different programmes developed by the entity.
Currently, the TAS Foundation has agreements with:
- The University of Seville, Degrees in: Psychology, Pedagogy, Psychopedagogy, Teaching, Communication…
- The Pablo de Olavide University, Degree in: Social Labour.
- UNED (Spanish National University of Distance Education), Degree in Social Education.
- IES (Comprehensive school) Jacarandá – Professional Education in Healthcare
- IES (Comprehensive school) Lucus Solis – Professional Education in Healthcare
- Centro Superior Europa Sur – Social Inclusion
- Seville Town Council “REDES Programme”
- EFA (Family Farm School) El Cható
- International scholarship programme ERASMUS, LEONARDO DA VINCI
- Employment workshops
- Master’s Degree and other education programmes developed by public and private entities.
Basic and specific training
Volunteers will receive an initial training at which they will be teached about the meaning of volunteering as a social action, motivations, attitudes, and skills of a volunteer, as well as their duties and rights.
Regarding the specific training, volunteers will receive guidance about the different pathologies, as well as knowledge concerning the different disorders that the children and youth they collaborate with have. Volunteers will also be given all the information about the basic skills that can help acquire the appropriate techniques to accomplish, successfully and securely, the activities with the children.
Ongoing training
We offer our volunteers ongoing training for the direct assistance they provide, in collaboration with the IAJ (Andalusian Youth Institute) and the Agencia Andaluza del Voluntariado (Andalusian Agency of Volunteer).
How to collaborate
Become a part of the TAS Foundation Volunteering, and cooperate with any of the following services and/or programmes. If you are interested, and/or would like more information about volunteering at the TAS Foundation, or about any other programme concretely, please contact us.

Voluntary Assistance
The functions include assisting and caring for people with disabilities between the ages of 16 and 65.
Volunteers must be over 18 years old, have a responsible attitude, and have some skills and abilities in assistance care roles.
Workshop volunteering
The day-care centre develops ongoing and occasional workshops open to volunteer collaboration.
Volunteers must be over 18 years old, creative, and sensitive to the needs of people with disabilities. .

Voluntary Assistance
The functions include caring for and assisting people with disabilities between the ages of 16 and 65.
Volunteers must be over 18 years old. They must also be responsible and have some skills and abilities to the assistance care role.
Workshop volunteering
Ongoing and occasional workshops developed by the day-care centre, available for collaboration with volunteers.

Volunteering in the physiotherapy area.
Specific knowledge in the field required.
Volunteering in the speech therapy area.
Specific knowledge in the field required.
Pedagogical Support Volunteering
Volunteers must be over 18 years old, and must have specific knowledge of psychology, pedagogy, teaching, or any other educational speciality.
Volunteering in the Youth Care area.
Volunteers must be over 18 years old, and have a certain maturity, as well as specific training and sensitivity to deal with people with disabilities.

Administrative volunteering: young people with disabilities who can carry out tasks assigned by the coordinator, and collaborate on the different activities developed by the Centre. Administrative tasks, sending letters.

Profile: People aged over 17 with an introverted, extroverted, dynamic, patient, or creative character, willing to give free rein to imagination.
Volunteering in leisure activities: this group of volunteers is in charge of programming and developing leisure activities in the TAS centres, and/or in the outings organised by the Foundation.

Specific knowledge required in this new and interesting therapy, highly beneficial for people with disabilities.
These activities will take place in the Equine Centres located in Brenes, and Aznalcóllar.

Volunteers can participate in all Departments of the TAS Foundation:
- Volunteering in the Media and Dissemination Department.
- Volunteering in the Training Department.
- Volunteering in the Volunteering Department.
- Volunteering in the Administration Department.

Volunteering in festivals, fairs, or stands in which as well as raising social awareness about people with disabilities, in rural settings, products made by people with disabilities are put on sale.
Gift Packaging Campaign: With this campaign we aim, on the one hand, to promote the services offered by the TAS Foundation and, on the other hand, to raise awareness in the community about the situation of people with disabilities in rural settings. At the same time, young people with disabilities, and volunteers from the Foundation offer a gift wrapping service during Christmas holidays to customers in “Los Arcos” and “Style Outlets” shopping centres.
Recognition to volunteers
Throughout the Foundation’s course, our volunteers have received several awards. Awards that respond to the social work made by those young people in our region without whom much of what we do would be impossible.